Chatbot Platform

ChatBot Perfection: Where Artificial Intelligence  Meets Human-Like  Conversations

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No Code Low Code Chatbot Builder

Drag-and-Drop Interface

Node Properties

Testing and Preview

ChatBuilder will include a testing and preview feature that allows users to simulate chatbot conversations in real-time. This helps users identify and resolve any issues or bottlenecks before deploying the chatbot.

Prebuilt templates

To expedite the chatbot creation process, ChatBuilder will offer a library of pre-built templates for common use cases and industries. Users can start with these templates and modify them as per their requirements.

Go beyond what’s in the box

ChatBot’s open API and webhooks let you connect with all the tools that your business relies on. Automate even more workflows, and work smarter.

Channel-Specific Customization

ChatBuilder will provide options to customize the behavior of the chatbot for each channel. Users can define channel-specific settings such as character limits, media support, and quick reply options.

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